Facelift surgery is the procedure that lifts sagging tissues of the face and offers a firm and more youthful appearance. You can literally turn back the clock with facelift surgery and look years younger. Deep folds are smoothened; sagging or loose facial skin is removed and facial tissues are tightened allowing a patient to look younger and attractive.
With aging the elasticity of the skin is lost and facial tissues also lose volume, causing deep wrinkles, loosening of the skin in the neck and jowls around the jawline. This is nothing unnatural, but some patients may not like this part of growing old. For them facelift offers a great solution offering a more youthful appearance.
It can help you feel younger, boost your confidence, especially when you don’t feel your age. Since, it can iron-out the wrinkles in your neck region you can be at greater ease when you choose your attires.
Some people feel aging is adversely affecting their personal relationships and career, facelift surgery helps them get the look they desire. It helps in getting rid of the dullness that is associated with aging and patients look energetic and healthy.
After the procedure is completed, the surgeon at the best facelift treatment clinic in Faridabad will guide you about the aftercare you require. You have to carefully follow post-operative instructions which include taking care of bandages, taking the medicines in prescribed doses, and all of a lifestyle as advised by your doctor during the recovery period.
Though, the recovery time will differ from patient to patient, but one can experience faster healing by religiously following doctor’s instructions and paying the scheduled visits post-surgery.
Facelift Laser Treatment in Faridabad offers great benefits with availably of procedures that can take care of patients with wide range of aging conditions. We can say the facelift surgery has no parallel when it comes to restoring a person’s youthful appearance. Our surgeons are having the best of training and wide experience and we endeavor to maintain the highest standards in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. Make your decision based on quality and satisfaction levels you can achieve and not alone on the cost.
The aging process breaks down collagen and elastin fibers, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.
At Vardaan clinic, we use the aesthetic technique for skin tightening treatment in Faridabad called as Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening.
It uses RF energy to heat the tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production. This induces tissue remodelling and also causes apoptosis of fat cells, leading to reduction in fat.
Hypertrophic scars appear when the body stops producing collagen at the time of filling the acne wounds. They are a common type of acne scar that people have. It heals over the time and the bumpiness of the scar gets smoothen as the time goes. Though they do not persist for long, it leaves a mark of the wound on the skin.